The #UnstoppableLATINAS Summit Conquers NYC: Here’s What It Takes to be Successful The Summit kicked off with a video with empowering messages to Latinas from…

We Are Here To Support-Motivate Latina Women To Grow, Thrive & Prosper⚜You Can Do It! Change The Rules. Join The Movement!
The #UnstoppableLATINAS Summit Conquers NYC: Here’s What It Takes to be Successful The Summit kicked off with a video with empowering messages to Latinas from…
Here is the list of of Impactful Influencer Correspondents starting at 9:00am on March 27, 2017 from CUNY University! Ivette Mayo an award winning entrepreneur, speaker,…
A memorable festive night filled with excitements, special prices and an array of Inspirational Latina Leaders. “The Latinas en New York Launch and Nomination Event”…
26 Stories of Latinas Achieving Extraordinary Success! Today’s Inspired Latina, Volume II, is a collection of 26 personal stories of Latina success coming together…